Sunday, September 8, 2019

Text analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Text analysis - Essay Example The argument by the author for this phenomenon is that there are immense psychosomatic implications that impact very much on the military officer or the law enforcement agent if it terminates the life of a fellow human being. This can be shown through the mental anguish that the military officer or the law enforcement agent suffers if they did so without the support of their superiors or peers, or if they are incapable of justifying their act of killing. In explaining his book, Grossman asks why there is little evidence of soldiers discussing of having killed a prisoner or combatants in war. In Grossman’s analysis of battleground fears, there is a revelation that even more than the fear of injury or death, the military personnel has a fear of being seen to have failed in their military obligations of combat. If the military officer kills in times of war, he will be burdened with guilt while if he fails to kill he is ashamed of his failures. The use of the term â€Å"Bulletpro of mind† as an imagery explores what the mind and soul of the soldiers presented in the book is during and after the combat or the war showing the dilemma facing such soldiers with regards to killing. The stresses of the deadly wars that would require the â€Å"Bulletproof† mind include negative impacts on the nervous system, breathing system, memory and visible and auditory functioning that soldiers must find ways of controlling in order to survive. The imagery Bulletproof is therefore simply an analysis of the entire physiological processes that is involved with the killing of a human being (Grossman, 43). The argument that is being brought out by the imagery of The Bulletproof mind is that majority of the people usually have that phobic level of response when it comes to the issue of violence. Therefore, there is need for soldiers to be trained on how to kill in order to have that mind set of performing the duties without fear. There are a lot of physical effects tha t are brought about by violence. These effects stresses on the humans such as changes in the sonic perception, tunnel vision and the post-traumatic stress disorder (Grossman, 56). The relevance of such information about the physiological aspect of the human body is to be able to bring out a clear picture of the stressful training that may end up affecting and bringing out a deadly threat to the human environment. Another aspect that is brought out in chapter three of the book is that of the mental attitude which is required by any warrior in order to fight. There is that perception of the level of stress inoculation that is required as well the importance of the training required. The argument that can be brought out in this section is that of the will of a person to do a certain job without having to be subjected to use lethal force. The determination that is aimed at performing the ultimate required act to the intended recipient to whom the force is addressed may in itself deter t he set actions. If a person is able to adapt the look of being steel eyed then just by the sight of the eyes the enemy may not attempt to test your wrath. In this case you become the weapon and everything else around you becomes a tool. The work of Grossman is an attempt to give a connection between the increasing violence

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