Saturday, May 9, 2020

Essay on The United States must Reduce Illegal Immigration

I am driving my car and trying to get to Miami. I get lost. I stop at a gas station because I need someone to direct me in the right direction. I end up in a city called Hialeah where there are very few English speaking people. The people that are there only speak Spanish. What do I do? This scenario happens to many people everyday. How do we deal with situations like this one? The city of Hialeah is a major example of immigration. According to Websters College dictionary, the meaning of immigration is coming into a country or region to live. Immigrants come from all over the world to live in America. Why is that? The main reason that everybody wants to go to the United States is because if they would go somewhere like†¦show more content†¦Upon signing the Immigration Act of 1990 into law, President Bush hailed the benefits of this legislation for the nation, saying, This act recognizes the fundamental importance and historic contributions of immigrants to our coun try, and is good for families, good for business, good for crime fighting, and good for America (Delaet 91). During a signing for an immigration quota law in 1924, President Coolidge states, America must be kept American(Bergen 7). Unfortunately, in this day-and-age, America is not being kept American. Many immigrants have come into the United States and have changed the way things work. When one reads a sign in public, for example, it is most likely to not only having the phrase written in English but also in another language such as Spanish. Along with many other Americans, I believe that immigrants displace United States workers, burden social welfare systems, and threaten American culture. Some of the effects that immigrants have put on our economy are the growth rate, inflation, per capita income, income redistribution, and balance of payments (Wilson 74). The only way to stop these economic problems is to stop immigration. FAIR is an interest group that favors stronger restrictions on legal immigration. FAIR states, Today a wide-open door is an invitation to national disaster (B ergen 7). It is a fact that many problems that America faces today such as drug issues come from immigrants that areShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration : The United States Of America1197 Words   |  5 PagesJorge Romo Ms. Thompson Junior English 2nd Hour February 28, 2017 Illegal Immigration in American The United States of America is one of the greatest countries on this earth. 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