Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Russian Foreign Policy Paper - 3009 Words

Russias actions in foreign affairs the European in the next 10 to 20 years will change the world in a comprehensive way. The European Communitys disregard for Russia will lead them to find new allies abroad. Russia will ally itself with two of the worlds up-and-coming super powers. These will be China and India, the two most populated countries in the world. This tripartite alliance will dominate world affairs because of Russias technology and political leadership and India and Chinas will to pursue military and economic agreements with Russia. Russia will not choose to ally itself with these countries but will be forced too because of the European Communitys and N.A.T.O.s treatment of it s a defeated nation. The European†¦show more content†¦Germany is the current top foreign investor in Russia, having commitments of more than 8 billion in 2003. Russias trade with Germany takes up over 15% of Russias overall trade volume . Russia also has strong relations with other countri es, such as all of northern Europe, where it is willing to cooperate fully in strengthening ties by combining science, industry, and economics. One problem with the European Union is the historic Russian skepticism and resentment that was introduced during the Cold War towards the European Community, which consists of European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the European Economic Community (EEC), and the European Atomic Energy Community. During the cold war Russia had no interest in consorting with the European Community. It instead made its own eastern bloc that was similar to it, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Not until 1986, with Gorbachev, did interaction between the two blocs begin with the introduction of perestroika and glasnost in an overall policy of d#233;tente. A large source of contention between the Russian Federation and the European Union is Kaliningrad. Being that it is isolated from its mother country because of its position, surrounded by European countries, it has encountered many problems. Europe does not allow movement between Kaliningrad and Russia without visas. Due to this and other reasons Russia has no plan for the future of Kaliningrad. Right nowShow MoreRelatedRussia QA Essay1604 Words   |  7 Pagesresources. Russian mighty and power was acquired during its membership in the Soviet Union were it emerged as a super power. The country has permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council; it is also a member of the Group of 20(G20), Group of 8(G8) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. This paper will critically examine the Russian national purpose and ideology, national power and international relationships as well as foreign policy. 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