Friday, May 22, 2020

What Is Race My Reflection Essay - 887 Words

I took the time today to read the article titled â€Å"What is Race† by Victor M. Fernandez, RN, BSN and found myself agreeably intrigued and in admiration of his thoughts regarding race. Victor touched on an extremely insightful and significant topic; one that most people have sturdy opinions about. Race – what is it? What does this mean to you? What does it mean to our upcoming careers in the nursing field? I trust that how we characterize and assess our awareness of race is due exclusively to how we were raised. I do not mean merely what we were taught from our family or culture about race, but to a certain extent how we have lived it, and how it has lived around us. â€Å"Race is a modern idea. Ancient societies, like the Greeks, did not divide†¦show more content†¦Does everyone feel this way about different races? No, I don’t think that they do. There is still a tendency to judge and stereotype based on racial profiling; not everyone was raised the same way that I was. Does this mean that I believe racism in present society is still largely a concern? This is a challenging question to answer because so many variables can play into this. You see racism everyday when a person of Middle Eastern ethnicity boards an airplane, or you happen to end up in a cab with an Iranian driver. However, I do not exclusively believe that this means racism is a serious problem. It is human nature to fear the unknown and for a lot of people this fear inadvertently creates racial prejudice. Could it be that racial profiling – stereotyping - has worsened in present day? Again, this is a terribly difficult question to answer due to the vast amounts of variables that can play into it. â€Å"In 19th century, the concept of nationalism was often used to justify the domination of one race over another within a specific nation, in the last decades of the 20th century; the legal system as well as the official ideology emphasized racial equality. Racial prejudice remains a continuing problem throughout the world. However, there are fewer race-based conflicts in the 21st century than in the past† (Ethnicity vs. Race). I believe that people, nowadays, are moreShow MoreRelatedThe Hardships of Following Your Dreams and Immigration1404 Words   |  6 PagesA New White Race As an immigrant and divorce mother of two who comes to a foreign country pursuing a better future for my kids, I ignored the complexity of the factors that are required to fulfill my dreams. Moving from a socialistic culture to an individualistic one, being the last one, the culture that my kids are more likely to adopt I realized the importance to build a solid family, and I started looking for possible factors that might give me a clear view on how to achieve my quest. The firstRead MoreAnalysis Of Desiree s Baby By Kate Chopin919 Words   |  4 Pageslove he has for his wife and race. 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